

Effects of Static Stretching on 1 Mile Uphill Run Performance

The study

Lowery R, Joy J, Brown L, et al (2013) Effects of Static Stretching on 1 Mile Uphill Run Performance. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3182956461

Warm-up static stretching prior to exercise can adversely influence strength, endurance and power – in this study its effect on running performance was investigated. Subjects were assigned to non-stretching and stretching conditions, and asked to complete a one mile run on an instrumented treadmill in as short a time as possible. Delsys Trigno wireless sensors were used to record gastrocnemius activation during running – an ideal choice in this task, given their built in motion artifact suppression technology. The study found that stretching degraded time to task completion by 13 sec, and increased EMG muscle activation post-exercise. Full article...

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